2 Min Read | Culture

Time in a Pandemic: Expanded and Contracted

We should have more time than ever, since we have nowhere to be and nowhere to go. Yet time at home seems contracted as we adjust to a virtual workplace while caring for family members (or ourselves) with fewer resources. Then there are those who don’t have the luxury of being at home, who are running to give people the basics, or rushing to give patients the ultimate gift—more time.

Unanswerable questions loom over us all: How long will this last? Is there an end point on the timeline?

We want to help you focus your time in this moment of great uncertainty. We know you’re thinking of COVID-19 constantly, but how can you think more systematically?

Here are some questions you can answer to make sure your internal and external content strategy is thoughtful, creative, and worth everyone’s time.

How are your employees feeling and acting right now? What could you say or do for them that could help?

How are your clients feeling and acting right now? What could you say or do for them that could help?

What can your company do that could inspire or uplift others?

In your communications to employees, clients, or customers, are you regurgitating info related to the pandemic that your audience will have likely seen and heard elsewhere? Or are you adding something specific and new?  

Can you create content to replace the events and conferences relevant to your business that have been canceled?  

Could anything you’ve sent or are planning to send over the transom be construed as exploitative or opportunistic?

Are you acting as a compassionate group of humans first and a business second?  

Can you provide helpful or even entertaining content for those with Corona Content Fatigue?  

How can what you do best be put to use in these circumstances?